Wednesday, October 31, 2018

My Jalan-jalan @ Papar & Kinarut

Date : 31st August 2018 (Wednesday)

Moving on to the next destination. I'm still upload a blogpost entry of us at Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. (Blogging can be very tiring, especially when you have so many posts that are yet to published).

31st August is Malaysia's Independence Day, so why not we take a break and do fun things with family?

We were too bored to go window-shopping on classy shopping malls. Be it claimed to be the largest or highest or whatsoever shopping malls like Imago, Suria Sabah, 1 Borneo or even Mega Long and ITCC don't seem mesmerising to us anymore. You can see there are so many franchises open everywhere. All things are just the same. Even you can recognise the same Pazze-branded of black/white polka dots T-shirt with collar at any Giant stores. #roasted

Dad always wanted to go Beaufort, which takes approximately 90 kilometers to there from home. Every time there is a time for us to travel, we merely just decide to go travel to Beaufort. But never sampai one, Dad said he's tired for long journey.

This time, will we made it to Beaufort? Yes? No?

Nope, we ended up reaching at Papar only.
Anyway, hello Papar...
Papar squads, where you at huehuehue?

FIRST DESTINATION : Papar Riverfront

We reached here about 12pm. So here we are, walking around here since we never make our steps into this place right? Expedisi di bawah mentari yang teramat terik~

" Something rarely happen, must be done.
Or else, it will rarely be happened.
And you will feel undone. "

Since it's public holiday, all shops were not open.

It was peaceful at here, not really people are here besides us. There's a couple sitting and looking at the river. Erm, I don't know what are they looking at... searching for serenity maybe? #sorry4mysarcasm

Taking photos is a proof to proof that we reached here.

MERDEKA (as in Hakka, 没低价 read as mao-det-ga)
Which means, nothing is cheap during the Independence Day!


An always place for us to lepak on any hot summer days whenever we reached Papar. We enjoyed their soft-shaved ice creams, especially the Green Tea flavoured one! Aircond. Always in cool temperature. [+1]
Other than that, the cafe also served eggies, or egg waffle served together with a scoop of ice cream and drizzles of chocolate syrup! Mmph... yummy~ However on this visit, we ordered the Super Cheese, want to try something different mahh...

Matcha / Green Tea Ice Cream  ( Normal Cup : RM3.00 )

Super Cheese Waffle ( RM4.50 )

THIRD DESTINATION : Beringgis Beach Resort

Dad started to complain tired already after driving for so long. We turned back our route back home. It has been numerous time we laid our steps to this place.

FOURTH DESTINATION : Borneo Paradise Resort

Give me two sentences to describe this place. It's a deserted place. There is beauty nature that you can see inside this place.

FIFTH DESTINATION : Langkah Syabas Beach Resort

Got plenty number of tourists stayed at here. It's a good alternate option instead picking Beringgis Beach Resort. Two sentences again for me to describe this place. It's beautiful here. For me, it may be lack of privacy since the rooms are just like next to each other. As I'm gonna said again: Opinions are subjective.

SIXTH DESTINATION : Seaside Travelers Inn

Erm... quite difficult to access there. Not a good choice for a stay-cation.

EVENTH DESTINATION : Kinarut old shops

Locals selling variety of fruits during the Malaysia's Independence Day... I don't know if it's common or not. We just walk there and see-see. No photo captured.


We saw a lot of new and beautiful houses and shops. We roamed around and we found Mr D.I.Y. and Gmart shops. But before that, we had our early-dinner at Restoran Al Mamak. Nasi briyani and roti canai kosong. Friendly service, the waiter reheated our ordered nasi briyani using microwave. Clean environment. A lot better compared to other typical mamak shops.


If not mistaken, it just newly open. And it's fantastic to know that it has two floors (Ground floor and 1st floor, I confused and I sure you all reading also confused.) One floor is already double the area of Mr D.I.Y at Mega Long's 1st floor.

I bought a clear reusable stamp, something I'm gonna do an investment for my hobby: the bullet-journalling. 


Since it's Friday, everyone continue their busy routines. Prepare announcement slides and get ready to go church at night.

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